We often meet some friends who don’t know what we often mean by XX grams?
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The gram weight is a unit that defines the thickness of the cloth. The unit is "grams per square meter" (g/m2), abbreviated as FAW. For example, 50 grams is usually referred to as 50 grams per square meter, which is 100. Gram means that the fabric is 100 grams per square meter, 50 grams or 100 grams. In the industry, it is often referred to as 50 grams, or 100 grams. It is not the actual weight of this piece of cloth, but is used to distinguish the thickness and thickness of the cloth. The larger the weight, the thicker the cloth. The higher the weight, the more difficult it is to process, the better the quality, and the more expensive the relative price. The lower the weight, the worse the quality, and the lower the price. It's still not intuitive enough, right? Ok, we can see a few comparison pictures.
In practice, grammage is an important parameter that affects water absorption and comfort. For the same fabric, the higher the grammage, the better the water absorption, and the lower the grammage, the worse the water absorption! Only by understanding the weight can you know whether your choice is better
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