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Introduction of non-woven market space, main participants, detailed introduction of development trends


At present, non-woven fabrics are mainly used in the field of medical equipment and consumer goods.

1. The field of medical equipment

(1) Concept and introduction

The application of non-woven fabrics in the medical industry is dominated by medical accessories. Medical accessories refer to wound coverings, which can be used for wound care, infection protection, and disinfection and cleaning.

(2) Market scale

According to IBM forecasts, from 2014 to 2018, the global excipients market has grown from 11.1 billion US dollars to 12.158 billion US dollars.

From 2014 to 2018, my country's medical excipients market increased from 3.989 billion yuan to 6.538 billion yuan.

(3) Major market participants

The United States, Europe, and Japan are the main excipient consumer countries and have many well-known pharmaceutical multinational companies, such as 3M. The above-mentioned enterprises occupy a major share in the international market by virtue of their advantages in technology and talents.

Chinese companies are mainly responsible for production links with high labor demand and low technical content, such as the production of traditional nursing products.


(4) Development trend

1. Demand continues to grow

2. Shift to high-end links and increase concentration

3. The product is transformed into a one-time practical, customized package.

4. The prospect of high-end products is promising, and there are great opportunities for localized substitution

Consumer Goods Field

(1) Concept and introduction

The application of non-woven fabrics in the field of consumer goods mainly includes non-woven consumer goods such as soft face towels and textiles such as baby products, baby clothing, and adult clothing.

(2) Market scale

With the growth of the national economy, my country's consumer goods market has grown rapidly. my country's consumer goods market has grown from 9.36 trillion yuan in 2007 to 4.116 billion yuan in 2019, with a compound annual growth rate of 11.16%, showing a rapid growth trend.

Based on the improvement of supporting technologies and industries such as online payment, logistics and distribution, the online shopping market has attracted explosive growth. At the same time, offline retail and online shopping have shifted from antagonism and competition to integration and complementarity, gradually forming a new retail model of omni-channel, all-category, all-time, and all-experience.

 (4) Development trend

1. Rapid market growth and further increase in network penetration.

2. The rapid advancement of new retail models, with equal emphasis on online and offline channels.

3. The market recognition of cotton soft tissues will gradually increase, the category of wet tissues will gradually expand, and the textile and garment industry market competition will become fierce.

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